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What is the

The economic activity derived from biotechnology and biomanufacturing is referred to as “the bioeconomy.”

- Exec. Order No. 14081

Examining the 

Historic Perspectives

In 2012, the "National Bioeconomy Blueprint" was released by the White House, launching a path for investment in new industry, innovation and jobs through the bioeconomy. 

In January 2020, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine released their report, "Safeguarding the Bioeconomy" offering an initial framework of what the bioeconomy includes, what risks exist, and a series of recommendations to create safety and security across the bioeconomy. (Bioeconomy Illustration)

In 2021, BIO-ISAC formalized its organization and began responding to the call for information sharing, education opportunities, and analysis. BIO-ISAC launched its membership community, building partnerships for services that include threat response and edge monitoring, and responding to its first vulnerability disclosure, Tardigrade.  

In September 2022, the White House announced Executive Order No. 14081 on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy calling to, "coordinate a whole-of-government approach to advance biotechnology and biomanufacturing towards innovative solutions in health, climate change, energy, food security, agriculture, supply chain resilience, and national and economic security."  

In December 2022, the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology released its report on approaches to advance the bioeconomy. Among many recommendations, the report first asks the Administration to, "develop a new, long-term, data-driven plan to secure our Nation’s future leadership in the expanding bioeconomy. The plan should provide a clear vision for improvements in safety, access and affordability, and ethical issues; improving national security; and strengthening the bioeconomy supply chain."

Defining the 

Shaping Boundaries

According to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, "The bioeconomy refers to a segment of the total economy utilizing and/or derived from biological resources, and includes manufacturing processes, technologies, products, and services. These may encompass, wholly or in part, industries and products including fuel, food, medicine, chemicals, and technology.


Advances in biotechnology and biomanufacturing play a substantial role in addressing a range of issues including health, climate change, energy, food security, agriculture, labor opportunities and economic growth." 

The description further states, "Executive Order No. 14081 directed Federal agencies to foster innovative solutions in health, climate change, energy, food security, agriculture, supply chain resilience, and national and economic security."

Mobilizing the 

Today's Efforts

In response to the Executive Order in September 2022, a series of workgroups, reports, evaluations, and assessments mobilized to define, refine, and quantify the bioeconomy.

To date, BIO-ISAC has been invited to and provided more than 30 security briefings, participated heavily in several workgroups, and responded to requests from government agencies, legislators, and industry partners to meaningfully detail the experiences from our bioeconomy partners in the world's lab networks, manufacturing sites, farms, and startup communities. BIO-ISAC has participated in several workgroups related to the tasks outlined in the executive order, including those with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Our goal in every interaction is to represent the urgencies, solutions, and needs for the bioeconomy with hopes of creating a safe, secure future.

In January 2023, BIO-ISAC was asked to host an workshop for federal government agencies regarding the key issue areas and risks in the bioeconomy. Together with the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, BIO-ISAC hosted an event for more than 125 individuals from 14 government agencies covering the security risk realities of biomanufacturing, genomic data, hardware/software, supply chain, agriculture, and workforce. 

In Spring 2023, BIO-ISAC will host a table-top training exercise with an expanded audience of government agency participants with its founding member, the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. 

Additional events continue to be requested, organized, and mobilized. To express interest in participation or sponsorship, please contact BIO-ISAC directly.

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©2024 Bioeconomy ISAC a 501c3 nonprofit organization

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